Sunday, March 20, 2011

Days 4 - 2.1

Every day posts apparently are not my strong suite. A recap...

Day 4 - Plan said to walk briskly for 30 minutes. We did yard work instead.

Day 5 - Walk 10, Jog 5, Walk 5, Jog 5, Walk 10. Accomplished. Felt decent - not too fast.

Day 6 - Walk 10, Jog 5-7, Walk 5, Jog 5-7, Walk 10. Jogged 7 on both legs! Woo-hoo!

Day 7 - Plan said: Walk 10, Jog 7-8, Walk 5, Jog 7-8, Walk 10. I took a 2 hour nap instead. :)

Day 2.1 - Plan said to walk briskly for 30 minutes. I did yesterday's plan instead and jogged 8 on both legs! Bonus - my shins/ankles don't hurt anymore when I walk (or maybe I'm just walking more slowly) and I catch my breath much more quickly when I stop jogging.

The cats are going crazy. I think it's because I won't let them on the porch as it is supposed to start raining pretty soon.

The upcoming week's plan looks...I'm not sure. In two days, I will be jogging for 10 minutes. Hopefully the weather is nice for me!

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