Sunday, January 8, 2012

And let's try this again..

So, a recap from 2011:
Ran the 5k I was trying to accomplish in early May. Finished in about 33:00 or so...don't really remember. Kind of stopped running after that. My work schedule in the summer made it tough to get anything done during the week; I was leaving at about 5:30am to get there and getting home around 5:00pm four days a week.

Labor Day weekend, we started remodeling our bathroom, so I got home every day as soon as I could to keep working on that. Weekends were totally devoted to the bathroom or various other projects. Around October/Novemberish, I started staying after work to use the available treadmills with some of the other ladies at work. Nothing spectacular; just getting moving again. I got back up to 5k distance pretty quickly.

December saw a stuttering stop of working out again, mainly due to getting ready for the holidays. I got hit with a cold a couple of weeks ago, so doing anything that caused me to breath more wasn't real high on my list.

Enter today. While driving this morning, I asked my husband what he thought about me running the half-marathon in early May that he has run for the past couple of years to kick off his marathon training. His response was timid, but supporting. He said that he would help me write out a plan of what I would need to do in order to get there. It's going to take commitment; something I haven't been so great at when it comes to physical activity.

Here's what I figure: I can currently jog a 5k without stopping. It's not pretty, but I can get it done. So, if I'm running 3 miles now, and I need to get to 13, I have 17 weeks to increase my distance 10 miles. My goal will be to increase my distance 1 mile/week, pending my husband's stamp of approval. (Lest you think I seek out my husband's "permission" on everything in my life, he ran for one of the best DIII coaches in college, has completed 3 marathons, and coaches high school cross country. He knows a lot more about running and training than I do.) I figure the 1 mile/week gives me a little cushion, since I know that life will likely get in the way of my plan. Plus, I'm thinking that I can have a couple of "recovery" weeks where I don't focus on increasing distance, but getting comfortable with that distance. Maybe when I hit 7 & 10 miles or so. We'll see.

I went out this afternoon for a little jog of sorts. I managed a 55-minute excursion, including (2) 2:30 min. walks to catch my breath. I averaged a 10:29 mile for 5.25 miles. Not necessarily quick by any stretch of the imagination, but I haven't run in probably about a month, so I'm pleased.

One bonus is that I may get to go shopping for some new clothes. With the mild winter we've been having (knock on wood), there's no reason not to jog outside. Except that my husband probably isn't thrilled that I keep wearing his pants, hats, and gloves. If I'm going to do this, it might be time to get some outdoor running gear of my own. Any excuse for new clothes is a good one!